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Upon starting their Jade Egg practice, most women tend to have a lot of questions.  

I’ve done my best to answer as many as possible here – but if you don’t find what

you’re looking for please feel free to email me.


Can the egg get stuck or “lost” inside me?

Definitely not.  First of all, that is why you attach dental floss through the hole drilled

through the top of the egg – so that you can retrieve the egg whenever you wish simply

by pulling on the floss.  As time goes on you may well find that you don’t actually need to

do this as you will get used to being able to expel the egg at will.


Secondly, the egg cannot possibly pass through your cervix and get lost.  Even when

women have had a hysterectomy and had their cervix removed, the doctors sew up this

end of the vagina so that nothing can pass through.  All you need to do to bring the egg

out of the vagina is to assume a squatting position and bear down as if you are about to

do a bowel movement. Relax and breathe out deeply.  This will bring the egg out very

easily.   Coughing or laughing can also help here!  As can jogging or jumping up and

down on a trampoline.


Do I have to use dental floss to thread my egg with?

No, you can also use silk thread or hemp twine – just make sure both of them are in their natural state – unbleached and undyed.  Hemp twine is particularly good to use if you wish to do some vaginal weightlifting as it is very strong.  You can buy hemp twine on my website.


What size egg is best to start with?

Most women start with the largest egg, then work their way down to the medium and small eggs once they have built up more muscle tone.  Different women also prefer different sizes – which is why a set of 3 is sold on this site.


Many women, however, also gain just as much benefit from just using one size of egg – mainly the medium one.  But this is a personal choice – I would advise experimenting with all 3 and see which suits you best.


How long should I leave the egg in for?

Again, this is a personal choice – and you may find that the egg falls out on its own accord anyway – which I always take as a sign that my body has had enough for one day.  You could easily leave it in for up to 12 hours – after that it’s probably wise to give yourself a break.  You don’t want to over-exercise your muscles either – remember that the emphasis is just as much on softening and opening your pelvic floor as it is on tightening and toning it.  If you are just going around your daily business and not paying enough attention it can be easy to forget the breathing out and softening/opening part of the exercises.


I’m struggling to hold the egg in at all.  What do I do now?

The best thing to do in this situation is to start by putting the egg in when you sleep – as this will still work the muscles to a certain extent. In the morning when you wake up, start doing the exercises for 5-10 minutes before getting out of bed.  As you do these lying down anyway, you can start building up muscle strength before introducing gravity to the equation!  Then get up and move about as normal – and slowly but surely you will find that the egg stays in longer.  You can also gently squeeze and release your vaginal muscles when the egg isn’t in – as this will also build up strength on its own.


Can I use the Jade Egg when I’m menstruating?

This again is a matter of personal choice.  The only thing I would say is that I wouldn’t leave it in for very long during your period as you don’t want to block the flow of blood.  But for 5-10 minutes at a time – enough time to do at least the basic exercises with it – it should be fine.


Can I use the Jade Egg if I’m pregnant?

It is advised against starting a Jade Egg practice once you are already pregnant – ideally you need to start using one at least 6 months prior to conception.  It is a great thing to get in place beforehand however as it strengthens the muscles to both support your baby and to train them to give birth.


After you’ve given birth you can start a practice as soon as it feels comfortable and right to do so as this will help enormously in bringing tone back to the vagina and pelvic floor.


Also, if you have already established a Jade Egg practice and then fall pregnant, you need to remember that the Jade Egg works the uterus too – so take it a bit easy when using your egg during your pregnancy – particularly in the latter stages.  And if feeling at all unsure about whether to use a Jade Egg or not, then it is best to check with your healthcare provider first.


I’ve had all of my children via C-section – is the Jade Egg still of use to me?

Most definitely.  For a start your pelvic floor muscles have still had to support the growing baby in your womb for 9 months and, as such, have certainly been put under strain, even if your vagina hasn’t been stretched in the same way as it is when women give birth naturally.


Then there are the myriad of other benefits that apply to women across the board.


I’ve had a hysterectomy – can using a Jade Egg still benefit me?

Absolutely.  In fact, it is highly recommended that you do – as you want to keep the muscles in your pelvic region as toned as possible in order to prevent prolapse of other organs in this area – which you can be more prone to due to the space left in your body following your hysterectomy.


Can I use the Jade Egg with an IUD?

Yes, but exercise caution and awareness.  If you experience any cramping, stop the practice, rub your lower belly and relax.  If this happens I would suggest stopping for now and coming back to the practice another time.


Should I be able to feel my Jade Egg?

It’s hard to feel your egg once it’s inside you – so don’t worry if you don’t feel anything, it’s quite normal.


Why is a Jade Egg better than Kegels?

Whilst Kegel exercises have some benefit, their effectiveness is still limited as there is no “resistance” in order to build up proper tone.  A Jade Egg creates that resistance.  Kegels also concentrate just on tightening the muscles – and muscles that are just trained to be “tight” rather than soft and open can actually shut down sensation, thereby inhibiting the ability to experience pleasure and orgasm.


Can’t I just use Kegel Balls or any of the other plastic pelvic floor strengthening devices available?

These will work but they are also made of silicon or plastic – and personally I much prefer a natural material inside my body.  Jade also has many healing benefits (see below) that you don’t get with a synthetic material.


Why Jade?

The Chinese have always revered Jade as a stone of health, wealth and longevity that increases courage, wisdom, emotional balance, stamina, love, nurturing, humility, generosity, peace and harmony.  It is a protective stone, which keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony.  It is a grounding stone that calms the nervous system and channels passion in constructive ways and can be used to harmonise dysfunctional relationships.  Mentally, Jade releases negative thoughts and soothes the mind.


Jade stimulates life-force energy leading to inspired ideas and makes tasks seems less daunting so that they can be acted upon immediately.  It is a stone strongly associated with abundance on all levels and is especially harmonising with a woman’s energy flow.


Jade is also a “dream stone.”  Sleeping with a piece of jade brings insightful dreams.  It aids emotional release, especially of irritability.  Jade is also a cleansing stone, aiding the body’s filtration and elimination organs. It is the best possible stone to use for cleansing and boosting the kidneys (the body’s holders of sexual energy).  It assists fertility and childbirth.  It works on the hips and spleen. Jade balances the fluids within the body and the water-salt/acid-alkaline ratios.


Jade is also a non-porous stone, making it more hygienic than other semi-precious stones as a material for Jade Eggs.


Jade is a stone that teaches one to allow joy in one’s life and to enjoy this time spent in our physical bodies.  Which makes it the perfect stone for using for your Jade Egg practice!


I’m a belly-dancer.  How does a Jade Egg practice integrate with belly-dance?

Extremely well!  After the Jade Egg practice, belly-dancing is the next best practice for pelvic health and awakening our sensuality.  So the two combined are an extremely powerful combination.  And belly-dancing with your Jade Egg (once you’ve had a bit of practice) is highly recommended!


Hoop-dancing or “hooping” also goes magnificently well with a Jade Egg practice!


I’m a yogi!  Does this practice go well with yoga?

The Jade Egg practice goes amazingly well with either yoga or meditation as

the life-force energy activated in the root and sacral chakras by the use of the

Jade Egg can then be directed up through the other chakras, thereby balancing

and transforming all aspects of our life, including our spiritual expansion.


Obviously the eggs are very easy to use in a restorative or yin yoga class as

the gentle movements will still strengthen the vaginal muscles without causing

any strain.  But they can also be used in dynamic yoga practices as well –

and are particularly useful for training Mula Bandha.  Mula Bandha is the

Sanskrit term for a yogic energy lock or seal, applied to the lower pelvis by

contracting the muscles of the perineum. It is one of three Bandhas, which

prevents vital life force from leaking out during intense yogic practice and

facilitating its movement up the spinal column to the crown of the head.


Is there an upper or lower age limit for using a Jade Egg?   

Any age from puberty is a good time for women to start using a Jade Egg

– and there is no upper age limit.  Any woman of any age – young or old –

can choose to have radiant pelvic health, together with a more profound

relationship with their body, their sexuality and their sensuality.  Making

such a choice will always help us to start loving ourselves more, enjoying our

lives more and feeling more confident and beautiful as a woman – and that

can only ever be a positive thing.


For young women who are still virgins, practicing with the Jade Egg gives them

the chance to get familiar with themselves in such a way that they feel more

confident and at home with their bodies and their sexuality.  By starting slow

and building a relationship with her body, a young woman can actually form positive, pleasure-full neural pathways that will help them make healthy choices when it comes to intimate relationship and enhance their sensual and sexual experiences for years to come.


How do I clean my egg?

 Before you use it for the first time, soak it for about 8 hours in hot (but not boiling) water with a few drops of tea tree oil.  After and before subsquent use you can rinse it in just hot water or hot water with a little Himalayan, Oryx or good sea salt added.

Once a month, leaving your egg to soak in a salt bath will clear any negative energies it may have absorbed.  You can also put it out under the full moon – this is a very effective way of cleansing and re-charging any other crystals/semi-precious stones you may use/wear.


How do I stop my Jade Egg coming out if I go to the toilet?

Most importantly, don’t try to hold onto the egg whilst having a pee as you will confuse your body if you do so.  In time, once your muscles are strong enough, you will be able to go to the toilet and keep the egg in, no problem.  Until then, however, hold onto the string when you go to the toilet so that you can catch the egg if it does fall out.  And if it does fall into the toilet, just scoop it out and disinfect it in hot water and tea tree oil before using again.


Will the Jade Egg solve all of my sexual and emotional problems?

Not without your help!  The Jade Egg isn’t a miracle answer to all of your sexual or emotional problems.  What it IS is a potent tool of transformation – one that still requires you to show up and do the work, but, with regular practice, will give you lasting results and help you create a lifetime of pelvic health, pleasure and sensual well-being.

The empowering part is that you are the one guiding and setting the pace for these transformations, not the Jade Egg .  It is simply a tool to help you do this and it is up to you to develop a deep, regular practice in order for such progress to  be made and to act on and integrate the insights revealed to you therein.


Enjoy the journey!



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