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Yoni Steaming

Ancient Women’s Healing Ritual

Yoni or Vaginal Steaming, or “Bajos” as it is known in Central and South America, where it originated – is an ancient healing and nurturing practice for women of all ages in order to maintain strong reproductive health. Traditional Korean healers also use this technique and call it “Chai-Yok”.

A Yoni Steam is carried out by boiling up a combination of specific herbs depending on the health condition being treated. The woman then sits over the steaming herbs (using a custom-made stool with a hole in it, or simply by placing the pot of herbs in the toilet bowl) and, with a blanket or towel wrapped around her lower body, allows the steam to open the pores of the vaginal tissues and carry the medicinal benefits of the plants into the body. Vaginal tissue is extremely absorbent – so this makes yoni steaming an ideal way to absorb the herbs’ healing properties directly into the bloodstream – which in turn has a direct effect on the reproductive system.

Yoni Steaming acts as an internal cleanser of the membranes of the vaginal tissues and uterus. This is considered especially important for stagnant fertility conditions and/or incomplete emptying of menses each cycle. This women’s treatment gently but effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes a woman’s center, providing a myriad benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility and more. Support your natural feminine cycle, help your body to heal, relax, and detoxify both physically and emotionally with a yoni steam.

A summary of benefits that can be achieved via yoni steaming are:-

  • Significant reduction of pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.

  • Significant reduction of PMS.

  • Decrease of menstrual flow as well as reduction of dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses.

  • Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles.

  • Increased fertility.

  • Faster healing and toning of the reproductive system following childbirth.

  • Assisting in healing uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.

  • Breaking down of reproductive adhesion/scar tissue. Assisting with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar.

  • Assisting with the healing of haemorrhoids.

  • Treating chronic vaginal/yeast infections and maintaining healthy vaginal odour.

  • Relief of menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness or pain during sex.

  • Detoxification of the womb/removal of toxins from the body. Release of stored emotions.

  • Reconnection with our female bodies and tapping into the sexual energy that is our creative potential.

Our Herb Mixes

All of our herbs are naturally grown without chemicals of any kind.  In the case of seasonal unavailability, it may be necessary to substitute any of these herbs with one(s) of similar benefit.

Relaxing Mix

Very relaxing and calming to both the mind and body, this is a blend of soothing and anti-inflammatory herbs to assist with stress, depression, PMS and period pain. It can also help to regulate the menstrual cycle and balance hormones.

Use for:-  general reproductive health & vitality; PMS & period pain; vaginal dryness; regulation of menstrual cycle & balancing of hormones; relaxing and calming both body & mind; easing depression & nervous tension.


  • Lavender – relaxing to mind and body, anti-spasmodic, healthy uterine function

  • Chamomile – anti-inflammatory

  • Red Raspberry Leaf – uterine relaxant

  • Chaste Tree Berries – relief of PMS & cramps, regulation of hormones and menstrual cycle

  • Ladies Mantle – anti-inflammatory, reduction of excessive bleeding

  • Mugwort – eases depression and nervous tension

Cleansing Mix

Useful to bring on absent menses and to induce cleansing of any old, stagnant fluids, this mix also increases circulation to the reproductive organs and reduces painful menstruation. A gentle cleansing and uplifting formula.

Use for:-  long, irregular cycles; scant or absent bleeding; enhancing fertility/preparing for conception; endometriosis; fibroids; adhesions/blocked fallopian tubes; bladder infections.


  • Rosemary – increases circulation to the reproductive organs, clears out old, stagnant fluids, antiseptic and purifying, inhibits yeast growth

  • Oregano – helps to bring on menses or increase scanty flow, stimulating & strengthening, powerfully antiseptic – protects against infection

  • Rose Petals – gently astringent, relaxing and uplifting

  • Basil – helps to bring on menses, reduces painful menstruation

  • Marigold – induces cleansing, heals wounds, hemorrhoids & scar tissue, anti-inflammatory, uterine tonic

  • Lemon Balm – soothes menstrual cramps

Restoring Mix

A nourishing & rebuilding tonic mix. Soothes inflammation, repairs damaged tissue, heals scars and generally nurtures the reproductive organs.

Use for:-  enhancing fertility; PCOS/ovarian cysts; perineal tears, scars & episiotomies; recovery post-childbirth.


  • Marigold – induces cleansing, heals wounds & scar tissue, anti-inflammatory, uterine tonic

  • Juniper Berries – anti-inflammatory

  • Comfrey – anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, strengthens uterus & pelvic floor

  • Motherwort – healing for uterine fibroids, polyps, endometriosis.  Encourages fertility.  Helpful post-childbirth and during menopause.  Relief of period pain. Can be useful if experiencing scant bleeding.

  • Yarrow – reproductive organ tonic, relief of pain and cramps

  • Nettle Leaf – tones & nourishes the uterus, strengthens kidneys & adrenals


Directions For Use

  • It is beneficial when working with the plants that you build a relationship with them. You can do this by asking the plants and the water to help you in what you are trying to heal at that time.

  • Place herbs in a pot of good quality filtered or spring water. 1 cup dried herb to 4 litres of water is a good ratio.

  • If wished/possible, let sit in the moon light overnight, imbuing the water and plants with the moonlight, with your prayers and allowing the water and plants to absorb each other.

  • The following day, bring to a gentle simmer with the lid on for 20 minutes.

  • Set up your steam space; turn off your phone, put music on if you’d like, or grab your favourite book, light candles, or make a cup of tea to enjoy while you are steaming.

  • Once you are set up pour your steam water into a different pot as to avoid burning the floor. Or alternatively place a heatproof cutting board underneath the hot pot.

  • Place your steam pot under a slotted chair or purpose-made steam stool.  OR you can place your pot in the toilet bowl (this is a very easy and practical way of doing a steam).  HOWEVER – if you do choose to steam over the toilet, please make sure the toilet is thoroughly cleaned beforehand.

  • Remove your clothes from the waist down, leaving your socks on to keep your feet warm and keeping your upper body warm.

  • Sit on your designated seat over the steaming herbs making sure the steam pot is placed underneath the body so the steam gets to the perineum.

  • Drape your lower body with blankets that extend all the way to the floor to ensure the steam is contained.

  • Be careful not to burn yourself. If necessary, create a small vent to allow excess steam to escape, it should feel pleasant.

  • Sit over your steam for about 15-20 min. depending on the temperature.

  • Simply enjoy the healing and nurturing time you have set aside for yourself.

  • When you are done, dry yourself off.

  • Rest quietly after the steam in a warm room, free of drafts, open windows or air conditioning, for at least 20 minutes.

  • When you get up, dress warmly and stay cosy. Going straight to bed afterwards is a delicious way to follow a steam.

  • Release the herbs and water back to the earth – giving thanks for their support in your healing.

Please note the following:-

  • Do not use essential oils in your steam – this is because they are very potent and may burn the delicate tissues of the genitals.

  • If you have an IUD fitted, then please note that yoni steaming can cause it to shift or dislodge – use of these herbs are at your own risk.

  • Remove any genital piercings before you steam – as the metal will heat up during the steam and may burn you.

  • Do NOT use if pregnant, or if you think you might be.

  • Do not use if you experience extremely heavy menstrual bleeding.

  • Do not use during menstruation.

  • Do not use if you have a vaginal infection, open wounds, sores or blisters.

How often should I steam?

If you are dealing with a particular health challenge, then steaming is advised 2-3 times per week during the first month, after which time you should see some improvement.  (And if symptoms persist, consult your health care practitioner).

For general reproductive health and vitality, steaming 2-3 times in the week before your period (if still menstruating) is a recommended starting point.  After this time, steam whenever you intuitively feel to do so – some women steam once a month, others only once every 3-6 months.  Trust your instincts and work out what feels right for you.

Yoni Steaming is both a preventative and curative health practice. It is a very gentle but effective method to cleanse, tone and revitalise us as women and to help us to heal, relax and detoxify both physically and emotionally. It is a beautiful, nurturing practice that can easily be carried out in the comfort and privacy of your own home.  Yoni Steaming mixes are available from our shop.


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