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How To Use A Jade Egg


If you buy a set of 3 Jade Eggs, the idea is that you start with the

large egg and work your way up to the medium and small eggs as your pelvic

floor muscles get stronger.


Many women also just buy a medium egg on its own however

– and still achieve wonderful benefits. Neither is the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ choice

– it really is a case of personal preference – so trust your intuition on this one!


First thing to do is to clean your egg properly before use.  To do this, wash with

hot water and a natural soap.  Semi-precious stones/crystals don’t enjoy high heat,

so never put your egg in boiling water – it will damage its structure and energetic qualities.  

You can soak it in hot water using a few drops of tea tree oil if you like – particularly before the first time you use it.


Start by threading a length of unflavoured dental floss through the small hole drilled at the top of the egg.   You will want to change the floss every time you use your egg.  Having floss attached makes the eggs very easy to remove.  If you want to try Vaginal Weight-Lifting (see below for more details on this latest Super Sport!) then you will need a stronger string. We recommend unbleached hemp twine.  We sell this via our shop here.  For normal use, without weights, however, dental floss will suffice.  Look for as natural a floss as possible – avoid mentholated or other flavoured ones as these can irritate the sensitive vaginal tissues and most of these flavouring agents are toxic to the body anyway.  You will need about 30-50cm of floss or twine per use.


Special note – it is totally possible to use these eggs without any string at all if you wish – it is impossible for the egg to get “lost” in your vagina and simply squatting as if about to do a bowel movement, whilst breathing out gently as you do so, will bring the egg out of your body soon enough.  Jumping up and down on a trampoline, or going for a brisk walk or a jog also work very well for “laying an egg”!


There are various simple exercises that can be carried out with a Jade Egg, the simplest being to firstly, empty your bladder, and then lie down and take a few slow, gentle breaths and get into a calm, relaxed state of being.  Giving yourself a breast massage to the point of gentle arousal before inserting the egg will help you to self-lubricate and be in a state of openness before you insert the egg.  If necessary use a natural lubricant such as coconut oil to assist in this process.


The idea here is not to “push” the egg into the vagina, but rather to be open and relaxed enough that the vagina “sips” the egg into itself.  The first 5 – 8cm of the vagina have hundreds of nerve endings and is incredibly sensitive and it is important to activate the feeling in this area so that the vagina’s natural pulling-in or “sipping” reflex is then stimulated.  And, when practised properly, this exercise awakens your pleasure pathways like nothing else can!


Special Note -You may find that on some days, your body really doesn’t feel receptive to the egg – and it is a really important aspect of this practice to learn to listen to your yoni and honour whatever message you receive.  Although you can, it is not necessary to do this practice every day – it is far more important to build up a closer connection/communication with your body – and this happens when we learn to listen to and honour our bodies’ natural wisdom.


This natural sipping reflex will only occur on your out-breath.  So as you breathe in, you need to hold the egg gently in place at the entrance of your vagina, in order that when you breathe out, relax and open the vagina the egg is in the right position to be “sipped” inside.


Once the egg is inside you then squeeze your muscles around it as you would if you were trying to stop urine flow.  This will lift the pelvic floor.  Hold this squeeze for 10 counts, then relax for 10 counts.  Do 10 sets of these, 3 times a day in the beginning – you can reduce this later if you wish as you feel your muscles become stronger.


You can also just wear your Jade Egg as you go about your normal activities – your muscles will keep the egg in place automatically and are therefore self-exercising.  Just remember to hold onto the string of the egg if you go for a pee – the egg may, or may not, come out at this time – just don’t try and hold it in, as this will be confusing to your body if you are also trying to pass urine at the same time!


You can also sleep with your egg inside you – this is a great way to accustom your body to the egg in the beginning.  And jade is also a great “dreaming” stone 


Then you can try the following:


Exercise 1

Lying on your back, with both feet firmly on the floor and knees bent. Imagine

the top of your pubic bone is at 12 o’clock, your right hip is at 3 o’clock, your

tailbone is at 6 o’clock and your left hip is at 9 o’clock. Slowly press your body 

down into the floor and gently roll towards the right hip – 3 o’clock. Keep rolling

towards your tailbone – 6 o’clock, then towards the left hip – 9 o’clock and then

back to 12 o’clock. Slowly continue to move around in this circle for 6 revolutions.  

Then go counter-clockwise for a further 6 revolutions.



Exercise 2

This is designed to help you start to notice the subtleties of this practice and to help

you build strength. Start in the same position as in Exercise 1. As you inhale, lift your

pelvis high up off the floor, squeezing your pelvic floor and vaginal muscles as you

do. Then exhale and relax as you roll back down to the floor again. Repeat this

exercise 9 times.



Exercise 3

Lie on your back with your legs out straight and your ankles touching.  Then slowly

flex your left foot, while pointing your right foot.  As you do this, become aware that

the muscles on one side of your vagina are shortening, whilst the other side is

lengthening.  The more slowly you can do this, the more powerful this exercise is.  

If you are struggling to feel the difference in muscle movement, place your fingertips

on your pubic bone – this should help you gain greater sensitivity as to what is going

on inside you.  At the same time breathe in for 4 counts, then relax as you exhale

for a further 4 counts on each side. Then switch legs.  Repeat on both sides 6 times.

Once you have finished using your egg for the day, just wash it again in warm water

and natural soap, put it back in its pouch and keep it in a special place ready for the

next day.  Your Jade Egg is a powerful ally – love and look after it well!


Please note:  All of these exercises are meant to be performed in a relaxed way.  Make sure that your squeezes are gentle and your relaxing is deep and full.  The relax/breathing out is just as important as the squeeze.  This relaxing/”letting go” opens up your vaginal and sacral area, making you softer and more receptive – and thus more capable of giving/receiving love.  This is also where the healing lies in cases of sexual trauma and also in the unblocking of “stuck” energy so that life-force can flow again.

Tone, Suppleness & Dexterity

The aim here is for the perfect combination of building tone, suppleness and dexterity.  Having strong, toned muscles is important – they definitely make for better sex and a healthy pelvis – but equally important is that they are supple as well.  The pelvic floor should be resilient but not over-tight – rather like a trampoline, with suppleness and “give”.  Muscles that are too tight (from too much clenching/weight-lifting and not enough relaxing/opening) can actually cause loss of sensation and thus inhibit pleasure and orgasm rather than the other way around.  For healthy blood flow and creating new neural pathways, both contraction and release are required.


Which brings us to suppleness.  Suppleness is the ability to melt open your pelvic floor and soften into pleasure and orgasm.  If muscles are too tight, then it makes it difficult to be able to relax them enough at the point of climax and let go into orgasm.  And, without suppleness, childbirth will also be more challenging.


Finally there is dexterity.  Dexterity is the ability to isolate different muscles of your pelvic floor and move them individually, in unison, or in sequence, which results in amazing pleasure for you – and for a male partner too.  This “skill” actually grows more nerves in the vagina – and where there are more nerves there is more feeling 


The Jade Egg practice enables us to achieve all 3 of these qualities.  They may take a little time – but practice makes perfect, so the sooner you start the better ♥

Vaginal Weight-Lifting

Once you have been using a Jade Egg for some time, you might like to try some Vaginal Weight-Lifting.


It is worth pointing out here that enormous benefit can be gained without doing any weight-lifting with your vagina at all.  As with everything else in this practice, you need to feel out what works best for you.  All preferences are very personal and you should always go at your own pace and only do what feels right for you and your body.


Lifting weights with a Jade Egg can, however, deepen your practice and build even greater strength in the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles.  But you need to approach this activity with great care otherwise its effects can be both counter-productive and even harmful.


Start by threading your egg with a stronger string such as unbleached hemp twine (available here) or you could also use thin silver wire (available from beading shops).  Tie the strings of your pouch through this string or wire or use an “S”-hook from a hardware store to attach the two together.


Begin by putting light weights in your pouch such as other gemstones or pebbles and

work your way up from here.  Listen to your body and never push yourself too hard,

particularly if you have sustained any significant damage to your vagina during childbirth.


Start by simply holding the weighted pouch in place, then try swinging it in a pendulum

effect, front to back and side to side.  Remember to breathe slowly and deeply at all times

and to both tighten and release the muscles – say for 10 counts of each.


Once you become more confident, you can then move onto a small bottle of water or a jar/bottle of something from the kitchen.


Be aware that once your muscles get tired the egg will drop out on its own.  Take that as a sign that your body has had enough and rather try again later or the following day.  Even 5 minutes several times a week will bring you significant benefits in a relatively short period of time.


Most of all, remember that the Jade Egg practice and all of the exercises connected to it are meant to be fun and pleasurable.  Don’t get disappointed if it takes you a while to get the hang of things.  Be easy on yourself and enjoy the journey 



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